

Last night Malia and I went down to the London Bridge "Polar Bear Swim". 23 brave swimmers swam from one side of the bridge to the other in 62 degree water in the evening cool air! Their ages were from 10 (our little neighbor boy) to 58 years old. All made it, but whoever reached the other side first got the privilege of turning on the "million lights" display under the bridge at the English Village and on the bridge. They coreographed music as the lights "danced" to Christmas music. Santa sat under the bridge entertaining little ones. It was a festive, fun evening.


Anna said...

oooh, this sounds like lots of festive fun! thats cool you guys got in on the action! you should definitely participate in the polar bear swim next year!!=-) hee hee, we are thinking of watching a x-mas lights boat parade this weekend to be 'festive'... always reminds me of when we saw the boat parade in havasu with kirk and mary=-) good times

Shirley said...

Wow! London Bridge is lit up nice and pretty! I was there with my family many, many years ago, when the London Bridge and village first opened. Would be nice to see it again sometime!

That swim sounds "fun!" I swam a few times in local lakes in our area this past summer, but I wore a wetsuit. (It kept me cozy for over an hour in the cold water!) Next summer I'd like to do my first triathlon up at Lake Paddon (near Bellingham, WA)--as long as I can get in shape and not get injured!

Shirley said...

Congrats on your upcoming 30-mile relay! It helps to have a goal to inspire one to exercise. See my comment on triathlons on my blog's December 2 post.

Malia said...

haha, I knew something wasn't right when I was typing that.