
Quad trip with Ron & Sandy to the mines

Beaver Tail Prickly Pear just beginning to bloom!
Rosy Boa we came across on the trail from the mines.
They are not poisonous...the large constrictors do
just that..."constrict"...these ones are o.k., however,
I still don't want to touch it. Me and snakes don't
fit together!

One of the five mining veins at Jupiter Mine.
I didn't go much further than the initial opening.

A wildflower going into Jupiter Mine.

Jupiter Mine.

Some of the desert hillsides around Jupiter Mine.

Sandy and Ron reading about the
Jupiter Mine. It's very interesting, indeed!

Joshua trees along the trail.

Ron & Sandy coming up over some rough, rocky
terrain going to the mines. (Sandy really is
on the back behind Ron)!

A view toward the Colorado River from 3260 Mine.
(aptly named because thats it's elevation).
Not sure if that's the REAL name or just a
given name by those visiting it.

Ron & Sandy and Tom headed into the 3260 Mine with
a small flashlight. I'm not too comfortable doing that so
I stayed on the outside looking in, instead of the inside
trying to run back out!

Beautiful desert with happy saguaros and cholla teddy
bear cactus. They look so plump from the winter rains.
That should keep them through the L-O-N-G, dry and
hot summer!

1 comment:

Anna said...

the pix are beautiful mom- there is nothing as a blue spring sky in arizona i don't think. it's amazing. that snake is iiiiicky. no thank you. i've never been the the mines- just heard about them. i think i would be a little freaked out going inside too. mostly because of snakes & other such creepy things. but it is indeed intriguing. thanks for sharing