
Daniel Got Recruited to Play in the School Basketball Game...

 Daniel at the left getting a drink! 
Playing for the Royal's #2

Out on the floor!

 Tiger's is the other Charter School Mascot.  The Royal's is a brand new team and they don't have a mascot yet!
 Daniel playing...
The SAD score!!! At the end of the game!  The principal called Daniel into her office on Tuesday and asked if he had to work that night..."well, no", "are you in shape physically?" "Well, yeah, I think so"...well, we need you to fill in for the basketball game tonight....here's a jersey."    It's a brand new team...a couple kids were out and another boy didn't have good enough grades to play...so Daniel got recruited to play and they put him in to play 3 of the 4 quarters.  Unfortunately, they played a team that is 2nd in the division...And believe it or not 3 kids (two other boys) were also recruited for the night....what a fright!  But Daniel had fun.  He thought they'd probably just have him warm the bench...but he played most of the game.  Check out his shoes...lol :)  They're his work tennis shoes...Vans.  It's so funny...cuz' everyone has these fancy smancy shoes and Daniel's wearing his old holey black work shoes!  Oh well, it's about having fun and doing what you can to help out!  So "mission accomplished"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Melisa said...

Oh, that is AWESOME!! What a story and I'm soo glad you got it on "film"!! I'd say the score was probably VERY good considering the circumstances! Did he even have a chance to practice before the game?!

Anna said...

this is too funnY! i'm proud of daniel for putting himself out there & even having fun;) has he upgraded to appropriate shoes yet?? lol! i'm glad you & derek supported him!