
I made pies for Christmas Dinner...

 2 pumpkin pies, 1 blueberry pie, 1 apple pie, 1 coconut cream pie and 1 chocolate cream pie...
 Ron & JoAnn, Malia, Daniel and Tom ready to chow...December 24th, 2010
JoAnn, Malia, Tom and Daniel.  We were invited to Bogue's for Christmas Day dinner, but Daniel had to work on Christmas and Malia already had other plans.  Derek joined us a little later when he got off work.  I took my camera on Christmas Day to Bogue's and forgot to take pictures, so I'm glad to have these.  We had pies for our Christmas Dinner at home and I was to bring pies to Christmas Day Dinner at Bogue's.  It was a lovely day there as well.  Christmas Time just makes me love family time and together time.  I love all the pretty lights, the togetherness and music..."it's the best time of the year"...as the song goes!!!!  We were only missing our Anna and Zane :( PS:  the pies turned out good.

1 comment:

Anna said...

You forgot your camera?! Tsk tsk! I spy a reoccuring trend;) So you made a TON of pies!! I love that I can say we talked about your pies IN PERSON yesterday:) That was quite an undertaking... glad they turned out yummy too! Christmas time is wonderful indeed... we missed you guys too, but hey, we had a pretty good Christmas re-do yesterday afternoon;)