
The FOLKS and Tom's brother came for a visit!!! (and Sally too)...

They arrived Saturday, May 14th and stayed until today, May 24th.  It was so nice to have them.  They came to be here for Daniel and Malia's graduation.  They made it in enough time for their get-together on Sunday evening the 15th as well.  Sally, their minature Dauchaund was sweet 1/2 the time and a pill half the time.  I guess I have to be fair and say that she just isn't trained!!!!  So, she had W-A-Y toooo many accidents in the house to my liking!!!  When she wasn't doing that and wasn't being feisty, she was adorable and sweet!  Our dog, Jack was quite annoyed by her most of the time, so he just escaped toour walk-in closet or to our bed and stayed there.  Mostly tried to avoid her at all costs! 

While the folks were here, we played lots of games....Rook, Golden Ten, Rummy, etc.  We did lots of eating, Eating out, Steve and Daniel went golfing a few times (no Daniel is no golfer but he was a good sport and went along and had fun), also went out in Daniel's boat a couple times.  Kept pretty busy and enjoyed being together!  The weather cooperated just about everyday.  It's always nice to have company, so yes, you're welcome!!!!  Please Come!  :)

1 comment:

Anna said...

good to see some pictures mom! wish i could have been there:)