This was a wonderful toasty bonfire and we made s'mores. Landon had fun burning marshmallows. They were actually NOT edible when he was done with them, but he sure had fun with them!
What a little cutie pie!!! 5 1/2 years old!
Pam and Landon @ Stallings.
The bonfire was just perfect!!!!
Landon dressed for his first day of soccer practice!
We took a two mile walk and Landon rode his razor!
Lori's aunt and uncle,John & Mandy Lehman. (Lori's dad and John were brothers). John and Mandy were Amish before hearing the gospel. They have 10 children. 4 professing, married with children, 3 in the work...Titus Lehman you may have heard of. They have two daughters also in the work. They still have three children that are still Amish. The four pictures in the back of John and Mandy are their professing married children.
Ryan and Landon on John and Mandy's tree swing.
All around John and Mandy are Amish neighbors...
Ryan and Landon. Ryan is 14 and Landon is 5.
Ryan plays the violin quite well.
Aaron and Lori took us on their pontoon boat. Landon is being silly here with his sweatshirt.
Aaron and Tom...
Landon taking a little "catnap"...
Cute pictures of Landon!
Hi Pam, I just love how American farms can look SO neat and with such beautiful green grass. We spend much of the year with brown grass - I guess that's typically Australian though. Sarah
Growing up isn't he. Cute as ever of course.
I really dig his sweatband. That is so retro + awesome.
Also very interesting story about John & Mandy.
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